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Using Microsoft Terminology for software localization

Now you can boost software localization productivity and quality by using Microsoft Terminology in Lingobit Localizer.

Microsoft Terminology is a spreadsheet with translations that contains terms used in Windows Vista and Office 2007. By using Microsoft terminology data with Lingobit Localizer you can get a more consistent user experience across the products you are using and developing.

How to use Microsoft Terminology

In order to use Microsoft Terminology for software localization you need to import it into Lingobit Localizer terminology. Follow these simple steps to start using it.

1. Download Microsoft Terminology from

2. Extract .CSV file

3. Click Project\Terminology\Import in Lingobit Localizer

4. Select Text Files filter and click Open

Import microsoft terminology into Lingobit Localizer software localization tool

5. Terminology files usually contains header with additional information. You don't need it, so use Start import at row to start import from the beginning of the spreadsheet. Then click Next.

Skip header in Microsoft  Terminology

6. Select column with original and target language of localization. Then click finish

Select original and target language of localization

7. Imported terminology will appear at Terminology item in Navigation panel

Microsoft Terminology is imported and ready for software localization


Now you can use Terminology to localize your software and to ensure translation consistency.